Where is Home?

Où est la maison?

Where is Home?

Où est la maison?

Glass, cooper, aluminium, steel, concrete

The personal quest through the metaphor of a journey looking for a home. During this journey I meet a being, representing demons that haunt us, that we tamed until we finally leave them. The end suggest the acceptation of the non-finality.

We are our own home

And life journey, the personal quest, never end

We are all involved in this deep personal quest that life is to find some being finality. The destination probably doesn't exist for anyone. The acceptation of the non-finality doesn't exempt us of the eternal existential questionning, it simply makes daily life a bit softer and sweeter.

''I am alone, and I am my home'' 


Our moults lead us to modern ills


The Witch's Bottle and The Liberated Phial